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Ekkarat Thai Amulets

Luang Phor Phat: Power of the Mantra

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

Luang Phor Phat is a well-known monk in Thailand famous for his knowledge of magic and mantras and is renowned for producing some of the most highly sought after amulets in existence. Luang Phor Phat is the abbot of the Wat Tan Tahan temple also known as Huay Duan where he resides in the Nakhon Sawan province in central Thailand around 250 kilometres from Bangkok.

Despite been 99 years old Luang Phor Phat is still fit and healthy and has many disciples and followers which travel long distances to learn from him. LP Phat has been a monk for 76 years and studied under famous monk Luang Phor Derm from the Wat Nong Pho temple in Nakhon Sawan who he began learning from when he was a child.

Luang Phor Phat spends most of his time in solitary but has a large following especially around the Nong Bua district but his amulets travel far due to his many disciples which include businessmen, police and soldiers who spread the word of his teachings.

Pictured below LP Phat Thao Wessuwan

Luang Phor Phat amulets are known for their intricate details which can only be truly appreciated through a magnifying glass due to the small precisions and shadings that can be glanced upon once amplified.

Picture below LP Phat Thao Wessuwan

Rahu, Thao Wessuwan and Singha Lions are some of the most popular LP Phat amulets produced which are fashioned from different metal compounds often determining the value. Luang Pho Phat is renowned for producing some of the most aesthetically pleasing amulets due to their detailed craftsmanship making them unique.

One of the reasons LP Phat's amulets are thought to be so powerful is that one night in the early hours of the morning a fire broke out in the chapel of Wat Huay Duan which destroyed everything. The only thing that was left untouched was a wax statue of LP Phat which many believe is testament to his power and is one reason why his amulets are so popular and sought after.

Luang Phor Phat is one of the most powerful and knowledgeable monks in the present day and continues to pass on his vast knowledge to his many disciples and followers around the world. His amulets are known as some of the most powerful and effective and are thought to protect the wearer against danger.

Click here to see a wide range of Luang Phor Phat amulets

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